Washington diamond back sidechair

Washington diamond back sidechair:
Height: 910
Width: 495
Depth: 550
Seat Height: 455
Weight: 5.3 Kg


Washington diamond back sidechair
A classic and distinctive RFU seat dining chair with a solid beech feature back. The seat frame and all round stretcher is shaped to accomodate the rear legs for easy and efficient stacking, safely to 4 high. The back frame, with a discrete roll back top rail has a 2 by 2 diamond “window pane” design. The seat frame and legs have discrete routed detailing. The feet taper to the floor. The wood is harvested responsibly from managed forests in Europe and complies with all EU timber regulations.

Additional information

Weight 5.3 kg
Dimensions 550 × 495 × 910 mm
Frame Finish

Aged painted, Aged patina, Aged worn, Block painted, Standard matt finish, Standard satin finish

Upholstery options

Upholstered seat


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