Corporate social responsibilty Policy
Foremost Furniture acknowledges that it has a social responsibility to improving the environmental, social and economic sustainability of its business operations and processes.
We are committed to constantly improving our Corporate Social Responsibility in:
- The Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees, sub-contractors and members of the public who may be affected by our work activities
- Environmental and waste management performance
- The training and development of our employees
- Quality, consistency and safety of the products we manufacture and install
- Creating and maintaining strong relationships with our key suppliers
- Charitable and socially responsible activities within and outside the workplace – we regularly hold fund raising days for numerous charities
- Developing community and neighbour relations
To achieve these aims Foremost Furniture will endeavour to;
- Continuously improve our Health & Safety and Environmental Management in line with legislation and relevant codes of practice so as to reduce out impact on the wider environment
- Communicate these requirements to employees and provide adequate training
- Maintain commitment to equal opportunities in employment
- Foster and develop relations with the local community and local suppliers
- Encourage our suppliers to adopt good socially responsible practices
- Maintain clear and fair procurement by rewarding excellence through repeat business and ensuring payment on agreed terms.
- Provide adequate resources to implement the requirements of this policy
- Develop Foremost Furniture’s support for local and national charitable activities, including those undertaken by its employees
- Review and update this policy during annual management reviews
Foremost Furniture procedures and approach to business arising from this policy are to be applied by all of its employees in the course of their work activities, across all contacts with customers, suppliers, subcontractors and the public.
The cooperation and involvement of employees at all levels is essential for the effective implementation of this policy. Every employee has an obligation to safeguard the environment and wider society that could be affected by their acts or omissions.