Alcohol and Substance Policy
The Company is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and those affected by its activities.
It will take all reasonable steps to reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of injuries or incidents occurring due to individuals suffering from the effects of alcohol or substance abuse.
This policy applies to all employees and all persons coming onto the Company premises.
The Company strictly prohibits the possession of, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances whilst on Company premises.
For the purposes of clarity, “under the influence” means having taken any alcohol or illegal substances in any quantity.
The Company will take all reasonable steps to prevent employees and contractors carrying out work-related activities if they are considered to be unfit or unsafe to undertake the work as a result of alcohol consumption or substance abuse.
The Company expressly prohibits the use of any illegal substances or any prescription drugs that have not been prescribed for the user. It is a criminal offence to be in possession of, use or distribute an illicit substance and if such incidents take place they will be regarded as serious and may result in the Company contacting the police.
No employee or other person under the Company’s control shall, in connection with any work-related activity:
- report, or endeavor to report, for duty having consumed any substances or alcohol in any quantity.
- consume or be under the influence of substances or alcohol whilst on duty (unless, in the case of alcohol, with the agreement of line management for the purposes of official Company entertaining);
- store illegal substances or alcohol in personal areas such as lockers and desk drawers;
- attempt to sell or give illegal substances or alcohol to any other employee or other person on the Company premises.
A breach of the above rules will be deemed as gross misconduct for which you may be dismissed.
Employees must inform their Line Manager of any prescribed medication that may have an effect on their ability to carry out their work safely, and must follow any instructions subsequently given. In most cases, medication that causes drowsiness must not be used whilst at work.
Employees suffering from substance or alcohol dependency are encouraged to declare such a dependency. Where it has been declared, it is the company’s policy to offer support to any employee who has a problem associated with use of substances or alcohol. Any employee who believes or suspects that he/she may have such a problem is encouraged to come forward to their manager to discuss the problem in confidence. The employee will subsequently be offered support including, as appropriate, referral for advice, medical treatment, counselling and time off work, however, failure to accept help or continue with treatment may render the employee liable to normal disciplinary or capability procedures.
Any employee who notices obvious signs of alcohol or substance abuse in a colleague should report their observations or suspicions in confidence to their manager.
The Company has a Policy of alcohol and substance testing as follows:
With-cause testing for all staff at all levels: an alcohol/substance test will be carried out in all cases where the employee has had any involvement in a workplace accident or in any incident that has caused or could have caused a danger to health or safety. Testing will also be carried out where management has grounds to believe or suspect that an employee is or may be under the influence of alcohol or substances.